Nothing really feels any different but I am starting to come to terms with the fact that there is something in there. I look like I have eaten one too many pies. Apparently Little One is now officially a foetus (having graduated from his/her embryo days) and apparently has already got all major organs, fingernails and an ability to wriggle his/her hands.
I'm still a bit giddy for information and strangely fascinated by the whole concept and the notion that all being well Little One will one day be a real live human being.
The booking midwife advised me not to watch One Born Every Minute on TV. Her view was that it was likely to unnerve expectant mothers. I have to confess though, that I find the program strangely compelling and almost reassuring in some ways. After all, if the mums can transform themselves from sweaty, screaming wrecks (at the time of the birth) to coherent, cheery and groomed individuals able to discuss their crying and pooing bundle of joy with such love (have they forgotten the pain??) then surely the whole process is doable.
If all these people can do it then surely Little One and I can too.
Clinical Comment
Simon Mehigan Consultant Midwife
It's not unusual for the early stages of pregnancy not to "feel real". For some women the reality does not kick in until they have had their first scan at around 12 weeks, for others it's when they feel their baby start to move whilst for some it’s as soon as they get a bump that people notice and comment on.
It's good that you want to find out as much as you can and I have to say One Born Every Minute has changed its approach since it first started, there is much less emphasis on emergencies and drama and I actually feel showing women having uncomplicated births and using birthing pools can build confidence in women that giving birth can go smoothly. A number of my fellow consultant midwives have seen an increase in the number of women that ask to use the birthing pool since it was shown on One Born Every Minute. My advice would be watch whatever TV programmes about pregnancy and birth you like but if anything you see in the programme worries you or starts to make you feel anxious talk to your midwife. Google is a wonderful thing but sometimes you can find out things you really didn’t need to know and they may not be in the context that is relevant to you and so can cause you worry and anxiety unnecessarily.
The pregnancy book should be your first point of call as its full of the most up to date and relevant information written in a way that is easy to understand and designed to inform rather than alarm you.