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Relocation of our all-gender toilet

We would like to provide a further update on our all-gender toilet.

As an inclusive organisation that respects equality, diversity, and the needs of everyone, Liverpool Women’s has provided an all-gender toilet since 2019. We also refer to this as our ‘Everyone’ toilet.

All-gender toilets benefit many patients and visitors who come through our doors, including people who may need to be accompanied by a friend or family member of the opposite sex such as; people with disabilities or additional needs, the elderly, and children. 

The original location of our all-gender toilet in 2019 was previously a female-only toilet. This was moved in June 2023 to an alternative female-only toilet location, further away from the main reception area, to increase access to female-only facilities in the main reception waiting area.

Since 2019 there has been no change to the provision of female-only facilities. However, we understand that the all-gender toilet’s recent change of location has drawn attention to the original decision to utilise a female-only space for it. 

We have listened to feedback and acknowledge that this provision could have been delivered in a different way.

The reason why one female-only toilet was used for the all-gender toilet was simply due to the privacy that cubicle-only restrooms provide to all people using them, which is not possible in a freely accessible toilet with male urinals.

However, in response to feedback and concerns raised about the provision of female-only spaces on offer within the hospital, we have made some further changes.

The all-gender toilet has now moved into what was previously a male-only toilet. This is clearly signed on the door of the toilet.

From next week (w/c Monday 24th July 2023), further alterations will be made to the all-gender toilet to offer more privacy to individuals who choose to use it.

The female-only toilet is now back in operation in this space.

We would also like to further clarify that there are still multiple female and male toilets across the hospital site on all floors including a set of male and female-only toilets in the main reception area, 30 yards away from the all-gender toilet.

20 July 2023