About the clinic
This is a specialist clinic dedicated to preventing preterm birth. In 2015 Liverpool Women’s Hospital and the University of Liverpool secured a £1 million grant to fund our Harris-Wellbeing Preterm Birth Centre for 5 years. This centre carries out research into ways to predict and prevent preterm birth. Through our clinic we work with women at high risk of preterm birth to give them the best possible chance of a healthy pregnancy.
Who should attend?
We normally see women between 16 and 28 weeks of pregnancy who have the following risk factors for preterm birth:
- Previous spontaneous birth or rupture of membranes under 34 weeks of pregnancy
Either of the following treatments performed in the hospital for some women after a smear test:
- Previous knife cone biopsy of cervix
- Two or more previous LLETZ or loop excisions of the cervix
Some women need to have preterm birth prevention treatment earlier in pregnancy than 16 weeks, and in these cases we see women from about 10 weeks of pregnancy.
We also see other small groups of women who are identified on an individual basis - if you think you should be seen in pregnancy please discuss with your midwife or obstetrician and we will be happy to discuss cases.
What happens in the clinic?
The clinic takes place every Thursday between 1.30pm and 4.30pm, and is located on the ground floor of our Crown Street site. The telephone number is 0151 702 4072.
Women are seen by a doctor with an interest in preterm birth. A detailed history is taken about the woman’s health, pregnancies and risks for preterm birth. Most women then have an internal scan to assess the cervix (‘neck of the womb’). An individualised plan is then made with the woman about her risk of preterm birth, need for further screening, and need for preterm birth prevention treatments.
Who is available in the clinic?
Women are offered support through the process by our team of experienced midwives and health care assistants.
We are also privileged to have a group of volunteers who are available during clinic time to offer peer support if required. This group organises a 'Closed Facebook group' for patients and past patients of the Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Fetal Medicine Unit, Preterm Labour Clinic.
The team of doctors are led by Professor Zarko Alfirevic, a world leading expert on preterm birth.
Where can I find out more about the preterm birth research centre?
Please visit the Wellbeing of Women website.