Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing an excellent service for people with additional needs; including those with dementia, learning and or physical disabilities and autism.
We aim to ensure equality of access to patient centred health care, provided by a workforce skilled to deliver our expectations, built on the Trust values of;
Our objectives are to:
- Respect and promote the rights of those with additional needs
- Enable staff to develop a better understanding of people with additional needs; including those with dementia, learning and or physical disabilities and autism and to equip them to deal more effectively with the particular needs of the individual.
- Improve the health and wellbeing of people with additional needs who access Liverpool Women's Hospital, working in partnership with people with additional needs, their families, carers and the local community
In order to make sure you have the best experience at our hospitals the following information is here to help you.
Special Education And Disabilities(SEND)
A child or young person has special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty and/or a disability that means they need special health and education support.
The Government have published legislation relating to SEND that is based on the following principles:
- From birth to 25 years of age, preparing for adulthood from the earliest days.
- Person centred practice
- Early and effective identification
- Appropriate graduated support and provision to meet their needs
- High aspirations for outcomes for everyone
We are committed to making sure that children and young people with SEND have the right to the same opportunities as anyone else.
These include:
- being treated with dignity and respect
- being able to develop and maintain relationships
- getting the support they need to live a healthy, safe and fulfilling life.
Knowing what is available provides more choice and control over what support is right for the child or young person.
Liverpool's local offer provides information for children and young people up to the age of 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers - all in one place.
Download the Supporting Patients with Additional Needs Information Pack here.
Watch this short video on understanding autism 'amazing things happen’:
Watch this short video on What are Special Educational Needs?