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Past board meetings

From 1 November 2024, Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust became part of NHS University Hospitals of Liverpool Group (UHLG). UHLG has been created through the coming together of Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (LUHFT) and Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust (LWH).

Please note, Liverpool Women’s Hospital is now represented on the Group Board of Directors of NHS University Hospitals of Liverpool Group (UHLG). Details of past Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust public board meetings can still be accessed via the links below.

For details of upcoming UHLG Board of Director Meetings, visit: Trust Board meetings: University Hospitals of Liverpool Group

About NHS University Hospitals of Liverpool Group (UHLG): 

Past Meetings






 Board of Directors Meeting dates for 2020/21 all to be held in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. 

Please see a recording made of the responses to the questions received by the public to the Trust Board meeting here


Board of Directors Meeting dates (please note change of day to a Thursday from April), all to be held in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. 

* Our public Board of Directors Meeting on 7th November 2019 is scheduled to be filmed. Anyone attending has the right to refuse consent and will not be featured. Further details will be provided on the day before the meeting starts.

Please note, the times of the meetings may vary and any times included above are subject to change prior to the date of the meeting. Please ensure you check the website on the day before the meeting for the confirmed time and agenda.  


Friday 7th December 2018

Meeting agenda 7th December 2018 - meeting will begin at 9am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 5th October 2018

Meeting agenda 5th October 2018 - meeting will begin at 10am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 7th September 2018

Meeting agenda 7th September 2018 - meeting will begin at 10am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 1st June 2018

Meeting agenda 1st June 2018 - meeting will begin at 10am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 4th May 2018

Meeting agenda 4th May 2018 - meeting will begin at 10am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 6th April 2018

Meeting agenda 6th April 2018 - meeting will begin at 10am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 2nd March 2018

Meeting agenda 2nd March 2018 - meeting will begin at 10am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 2nd February 2018

Meeting agenda 2nd February 2018 - meeting will begin at 10:15am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

Friday 12th January 2018

Meeting agenda 12th January 2018 - meeting will begin at 10:15am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital


Friday 1st December

Meeting agenda 1st December 2017 - meeting will begin at 10:15am in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital

Friday 3rd November

Meeting agenda 3rd November 2017 - meeting will be held at St Chads Walk-in Centre, Kirkby at 10:15am

Friday 8th October

Meeting agenda 6th October 2017 - Meeting will begin at 1:30pm in the Boardroom at Liverpool Women's Hospital 

Friday 1st September

Meeting agenda 1st September 2017 - public meeting

Friday 7th July

Meeting agenda 7th July 2017 - public meeting

Friday 2nd June

Meeting agenda 2nd June 2017 - public meeting

Friday 5th May

Meeting agenda 5th May 2017 - public meeting

Friday 7th April

Meeting agenda 7th April 2017 - public meeting

Friday 3rd March

  Meeting agenda 3rd March 2017 - public meeting

Friday 3rd February

Meeting agenda 3rd February 2017 - public meeting

Friday 6th January

Meeting agenda 6th January 2017 - public meeting (please note times may be subject to change)


Friday 2nd December

Meeting agenda 2nd December 2016 - public meeting

Friday 4th November

Meeting agenda 4th November 2016 - public meeting

Friday 7th October

Meeting agenda 7th October 2016 - public meeting

Friday 2nd September

Meeting agenda 2nd September 2016 - public meeting

Friday 1st July

Meeting agenda 1st July 2016 - public meeting

Friday 3rd June

Meeting agenda 3rd June 2016 - public meeting

Friday 6th May

Meeting agenda 6th May 2016 - public meeting

Friday 1st April

Meeting agenda 1st April 2016 - public meeting

Friday 4th March

Meeting agenda 4th March 2016 - public meeting

Friday 5th February

Meeting agenda 5th February 2016 - public meeting

Friday 8th January

Meeting agenda 8th January 2016 - public meeting


Friday 4th December 

  Meeting agenda 4th December 2015 - public meeting

Friday 6th November 

  Meeting agenda 6th November 2015 - public meeting

Friday 2nd October 

  Meeting agenda 2nd October 2015 - public meeting

Friday 4th September 

  Meeting agenda 4th September 2015 - public meeting

Friday 3rd July

  Meeting agenda 3rd July 2015 - public meeting

Friday 5th June 

  Meeting agenda 5th June 2015 - public meeting

Friday 1st May

  Meeting agenda 1st May 2015 - public meeting

Friday 10th April

  Meeting agenda 10th April 2015 - public meeting

Friday 6th March

  Meeting agenda 6th March 2015 - public meeting

Friday 6th February

  Meeting agenda 6th February 2015 - public meeting

Friday 9th January

  Meeting agenda 9th January 2015 - public meeting


Friday 5th December

  Meeting agenda 5th December 2014 - public meeting

Friday 7th November 

  Meeting agenda 7th November 2014 - public meeting

Friday 3rd October 

  Meeting agenda 3rd October 2014 - public meeting

Friday 5th September

  Meeting agenda 5th September 2014 - public meeting

Friday 4th July

  Meeting agenda 4th July 2014 - public meeting

Friday 23rd May

  Meeting agenda 23rd May 2014 - public meeting

Friday 4th April

  Meeting agenda 4th April 2014 - public meeting

Friday 7th March

  Meeting agenda 7th March 2014 - public meeting

Friday 7th February

 Meeting agenda 7th February 2014 - public meeting

Friday 3rd January 2014

 Summary report of board meeting - 3rd January

 Meeting agenda 3rd January 2014 - public meeting


Friday 6th December 2013

 Meeting agenda 6th December 2013 - public meeting

Friday 1st November 2013

 Meeting agenda 1st November 2013 - public meeting

Friday 4th October 2013

 Summary report of board meeting - 4th October

 Meeting agenda 4th October 2013 - public meeting

Friday 5th July 2013

 Summary report of board meeting - 5th July

 Meeting agenda 5th July 2013 - public meeting

Friday 24th May 2013

 Summary report of board meeting - 24th May

 Meeting agenda 24th May 2013 - public meeting

Friday 5th April 2013

 Summary report of board meeting - 5th April

 Meeting agenda 5th April 2013 - public meeting

Friday 1st March 2013

 Summary report of board meeting - 1st March  

 Meeting agenda 1st March 2013 - public meeting 

Friday 4th January 2013

 Meeting agenda 4th January - public meeting 


Friday 2nd November 2012

 Summary report of board meeting - 2nd November

 Meeting agenda 2nd November - public meeting

Friday 7th September 2012

 Summary report of board meeting - 7th September

 Meeting agenda 7th September - public meeting

Friday 6th July 2012

 Summary report of board meeting 6th July

 Meeting agenda 6th July - public meeting


 Friday 25th May 2012

 Friday 13th April 2012

 Friday 2nd March 2012

 Friday 3rd February 2012

 Friday 6th January 2012


 Friday 2nd December 2011

 Friday 4th November 2011

 Friday 7th October 2011

 Friday 2nd September 2011

 Friday 1st July 2011

 Friday 3rd June 2011

 Friday 6th May 2011

 Friday 1st April 2011

 Friday 4th March 2011

 Friday 4th February 2011

 Friday 7th January 2011